Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Assessment and e-portfolio

Assessment activities help teachers to know where the students are individually and as a class. There are different assessments some work on some students but since each student is different as the teacher we need to find which activities work for each of our students. It is important for teachers and parents to know how students are progressing. Portforlios are a great way for assessment, the teacher not only can pick the work that goes in the individual portfolio but the student can also choose their favorite work to put in the portfolio. The student can also see the progress in the work from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Another good way for a teacher to assess her class is to make a group portfolio, this allows the teacher to see the progress of all her students and create activities for the needs of the students.

An e-portfolio is a collection of electronic data, sort of like electronic storytelling. This is fun for teachers and students, this allows them to put pictures and things that they have done throughout the year to show their parents at the end of the year. I think using an e-portfolio would be easier to create for the whole class instead of using it for an individual student. Computer-based tests, such as, AR tests can be simple for students to use. This allows stduents to take a test when ever they are done reading their books. When taking tests as a whole class it may be harder to have computer-based tests unless you are in a school district that can afford to have a computer for each student to use. I do think that they would be easy for teachers to set up.

As a teacher I will be using portfolios for each individual student, I will use group portfolios for my class so I can keep up with the group needs, and I will use e-portfolios for the times that I have parent show off nights. I can have the e-portfolio going on the big screen for parents to see all that the students have done so far that year. I will also use an e-portfolio to show what my students have done throughout the year.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd ed.).


  1. Carolyn,
    I, too, can see the benefits to using these as a means of assessment and hope to use them in my classroom also. It was interesting that you mentioned AR tests, because with two young students of my own, I am very familiar with this specific type of computer-based test.

  2. I think that is a great idea that you would use the e portfolio's to show case student work on parent night. It gives the parent a sense of accomplishment to see their student's work. Especially if that student is one of those that like to hide their accomplishments like me.

  3. I never thought of using the eportfolio's for AR or for showing them to parents as a class. That is a great idea that I am going to tuck into my file folder for later, when I am teaching. Thanks for the idea (I will be sure to give credit to you! :)!) I can only imagine how proud the parents would be to see their child's work displayed in an eportfolio. I know that it will make my classroom look professional and like we are teaching innovation. AWESOME!
