Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Copy Right and Online Safety

Copy rights and fair use rules are very important. When someone comes up with an idea, makes a new product, writes something, or creates music or movies this belongs to them nobody should have the right to step in and take that from them. In order to help students understand the importance of copy rights and fair use rules I will compare it to cheating on a test, you are taking someone elses answers, they don't belong to them they belong to the person they are taking the answers from.

Online safety is being safe while you are online when your doing different things online, such as, while your shopping, your personal information, websites that you may look at, and your computer not being able to get hacked into. Cyberbullying is a new way for young children or teenagers to bully one another, this is getting extremely popular and extremely dangerous. It is important for us to know what websites are real and what websites are fake, we need to have antivirus software on our computers, we need to monitor what our students are doing on the computer, and we can also put parent locks on certain websites to make sure our students don't get on websites that are inappropriate.

I am learning how to blog I have never even been on a blog but have always thought it would be fun to start a blog, so I am glad that I am learning how to navigate and create a blog. I also think that learning about cyberbullying is important, even though this does not happen in our school or classroom we can still try to help stop cyberbullying if it is going on with our students.

References: Copyright_Fair_Use.pdf><


  1. I have learned some much from this lesson. Copyright and fair use covers so much. I have only blogged a little. This lesson has made me aware of the laws. I knew a little about copyright, but not to this extent. We educate our children as we become educated to new knowledge of online cyber space.

  2. You and I are alike, I have never used a blog or blogger before. But its cool, its different. I agree with you, even if cyberbullying is not occurring at your school or somewhere near, it is still happening and everyone needs to know about it.

  3. Cheating and copy right are alot a like in some respects. But I believe copyright is far more serious than cheating on a test. I do believe however in the art world there are some very vague lines to copy right, and seeing an image that is similar to what you want to create happens often since so much imagery has already been created. That is not taking someone's answers, that's receiving inspiration.
